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Stylish Amish Shed Design: 9 Awesome Tips to Beautify Your Shed

Painted Amish Smart Barn

Americans are notorious for having a lot of stuff and quite a bit of it is in storage. While there’s no getting around that, there is a way to beautify your storage shed so it becomes more than a place to stash things you don’t use often but aren’t ready to let go of. If you have an Amish shed, you already have a beautiful foundation that will make it easy to improve its appearance even more. Keep reading to learn nine tips to take your shed to the next level aesthetically.

1. Add a Cupola

Today, cupolas are used more often as a design element than a functional part of a building. Whether or not you have a purpose for yours, having a cupola on your shed is a great way to elevate its design.

It can also still serve a function, especially if you’re storing temperature-sensitive items in warmer climates. You can add ventilation to the cupola and allow the heat to escape, keeping your things cooler.


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2. Match It to Your Home

If you don’t want to get too fancy with your shed design, consider taking the simple step to have it match your home. You can do this by using the same color paint, or take it a step further.

During the build of your Amish shed, we can use the same type of siding and roofing as you have on your home and incorporate it into your shed. This makes it even easier for you to have a shed that looks great next to your home.

As an added bonus, having a beautiful shed that matches your home well is a great way to increase your property value.

3. Include Windows

Although there may be instances in which you don’t want windows in your shed, having them is an easy way to make your shed stand out as a unique piece of architecture, not just where you keep your lawn equipment.

If you visit your shed frequently or use it as a man cave or kid’s playhouse, then it’s even more crucial to have windows that will allow you to quickly and easily see what you have without needing to turn on a light.

4. Consider a Green Roof

For those who want to do their part in helping the environment, consider having a green roof installed on your greenhouse. This includes a waterproof membrane on top of which you can add dirt and plants of your choice.

Succulents are a popular choice for green roofs because of how easy they are to maintain, but you can also grow anything from grass or flowers to microgreens if you want to maximize your home’s growing space.

5. Or a Greenhouse Shed

You may even want to take your shed a step further when it comes to green by using it as a greenhouse. This can be especially useful if you’re already using it primarily to store garden equipment.

To do this, you’ll want to design a shed with large slanted windows on the north-facing side. Then, you can add shelves beneath that area on which you can start plants or bring in delicate plants for the winter months.

If you get the right amount and angle of sunlight where your shed is located, you may also get away with a traditional shed design that simply has more windows on one side.

6. Chalkboard Paint

An easy way to personalize a shed and continue doing so is to use chalkboard paint on the door or add a bulletin board by painting a large piece of wood with chalkboard paint.

Then, you can do whatever you want with it, whether it’s writing reminders or inspirational messages, or letting your kids use it for an outdoor art studio.

Although chalkboard paint is traditionally black or green, you can now get it in nearly any color to ensure it matches your shed and the style you’re going for.

7. Covered Porch or Deck

Having a covered porch area on your shed can make it instantly more stylish. You may also take it a step further and give it a deck area beneath the overhang. In addition to looking great, there are also some practical benefits that come with it.

First of all, you’ll have some added covered storage space for things that don’t need to be stored inside. Then you don’t have to use your valuable enclosed space for things that can safely sit outside.

Secondly, you gain a dry place to stand if you need to visit your shed in the rain so you don’t have to get wet while opening or closing the door. This can also prevent things inside from getting wet if the door is open while it’s raining.

If you live in areas where flooding is common, you’ll want to raise your shed off the ground to avoid water seeping in beneath the door during heavy rains. And, having a porch helps get your shed off the ground.

8. Miniature House or Cottage

Today, more people are using sheds as playhouses, craft rooms, or man caves. In these cases, decorating your shed can be a lot of fun since you’re creating a working space rather than a storage space.

For this reason, you may want to consider designing your shed to look like a small house or cottage. Vintage and Victorian styles are particularly popular for sheds, but many people are now also making modern-style sheds.

9. Miniature Barn

If your shed is only being used for storage but you still want to have some fun with it, why not design and paint it to look like a miniature barn.

It’s as easy as ordering a shed with the typical barn roof style and then having it painted to your desired colors. While red is the most popular, today you can find barns in a variety of colors.

Don’t Yet Have an Amish Shed?

Now you know nine ways you can beautify your home storage space so it doesn’t become an eyesore in your yard. As you can see, there are plenty of options so you’re sure to find one that will work with your personal style.

If you don’t yet have an Amish Shed, contact us today to find a dealer near you. We would love to match you with the perfect shed for your needs so you can start storing your things in style.