Kids love having their own spaces! Our playhouses are perfect for creating an ideal personal area. How do you decide on a color, though? With HOA regulations and personal aesthetics, it can be hard to find a playhouse that works. Here’s where we can help!
We offer much unique paint and roof color combinations. You can choose between architectural shingles or a metal roof. Each roof option has several simple and fun colors available. For playhouse paint, you can pick between any normal or vibrant color we offer. This creates thousands of possibilities to create a match for your home. We also have the ability to order any Sherwin Williams paint color of your choice for an exact match!
Having a small version of the main family home can be a fun way for the kid in your life to play house. They are familiar with the main home, so having their own tiny version to decorate how they see fit is a great idea!
Each playhouse includes a loft, porch swing, and adult-sized door in the back. The back door is a wonderful safety feature as it makes it easy for parents or caretakers to access the inside of the playhouse. Lofts create additional space for reading, toy storage, or even for an “upstairs room”!
You and your kids can design a custom playhouse by clicking here.